In spite of all his protestations, Rick Santorum is certainly working hard to cement that very special association his charming personality has garnered his name.
No, I apologize. That was unduly insensitive and crass of me. I didn't mean to offend all of us who actually work hard to put a meal on the table and provide a roof over their children's head. Because as we all know, all he does is unplug that hole in his face and let the toxic waste festering in his soul spew forth. Wait, did I say 'toxic waste'? Because I really meant 'santorum'.
So, for this to occur within days, was like a cold splash in the face. It pissed me off.
Just to be clear, no one's surprised by the shit that leaves this guy's or other equally conservative politicians' mouths. I wasn't expecting them to change over night, to easily move onto a new battlefield (read: another non-issue) where they can conveniently juxtapose themselves as the counterpart to Democrats. But I guess what I did expect was that they'd at least have the decency to treat an American soldier with respect.
No. Santorum sucked the marrow out of anti-gay rhetoric bone-dry and pandered to the bigotry that drives the conservative vote. DADT has nothing to do with sex, and everything to do with giving each and every American soldier the respect, honor, and integrity they deserve. The fool. Inciting and reveling in hate politics over soldiers who sacrifice their lives to protect his dumbfuck, un-American ass. How dare you, and shame on you, shame on you.
And lest I forget, fuck you, too, Fox, for trying to whitewash it.
And lest I forget, fuck you, too, Fox, for trying to whitewash it.