
Minx Lovin'

The word is out. Next week, Friday, August 19th, to be exact, Minx is going to spend the night together.

Make love. Get bizzay. Color. Have sexy time. The Bavarian jig. The horizontal tango. Bump uglies (except, Christina B. Lind and Sarah Glendening’s uglies still look better than most of us in our Sunday best).

And that was the sound of thousands of lesbians squealing and sighing in delight.

YESSSSSS. Finally. FINALLY, our Binks gets to be like all the other characters of AMC—a human being with sexual desire. It’s been, what, a year and a half since she got some? With Reese, in Paris?

It’s completely reasonable, actually. Coming out of a divorce from the woman you thought was the love of your life puts a damper on your love life. Sure.

--For us insignificant mortals. Not when you’re Bianca Montgomery motherfuckin’ Kane. I mean, have you seen this woman? Goodness gracious.

She's looking at Marissa, not you, you dolt. Le sigh.

If I looked like that, I’d touch myself non-stop. :D

And now our hot redhead gets to own that.

Courtesy of beecharmerfromohio at the amazing Minx thread on AfterEllen.
If anyone knows how to re-adjust a slacken jaw, please contact me when you're able to step away from this pic--you know what,  nevermind.

Robes! Yacht club! Privacy! And omg--the JBF hair! It kills me! It’s really a bad move on AMC’s part that they never styled her hair like that because that would’ve saved the show. Yes, I’m vapid enough to watch a show just for CBL’s hair sex.

And Binks as a top? Hawt.

Could there be a more perfect union than them? Could my imagination run any further with this picture? Could I imagine what made her hair look like she’d been shagged all night? Hair-tugging, hair-tossing, head-grabbing, rolling around, steamy, heated kisses in between… Um. Yes, I can. Yes, we can. Bring on the fanfic ideas.

One point of concern though is whether they can bring the sex, the passion. Everything from the kisses, flirting, and hand-holding have been squicky clean. All sugar. But where’s the spice? I want them to recreate Bianca’s desire, emotional and physical, from pre-confession. She sexed up Marissa with her eyes for months, for crissakes! AMC, stop squandering what you got! Utilise CBL’s sex eyes in every scene!

Ultimately, though, it doesn’t matter if it’s all sugar or a night of scream-inducing, back scratching sex. I trust that CBL and SG will portray whatever feels natural to their characters and their relationship in a realistic manner because, ya know, they love their lesbians. :) They really do; just check their Twitter. And boy, do we love them. Really love them. <3

Anyway, happy birthday to me! No, literally, it’s this weekend. So happy fuckin’ birthday :D

Wait—just before you go, hold on:

Ahhhhhhh… Now you can go and be in peace for the rest of your day. :)

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